My Experience with Beekeeper’s Naturals

If you follow me on Instagram (, you may be familiar with my Friday Favorites. This week is thanks in part to Beekeepers Naturals (check them out here). I don’t know about your family this spring season, but we have had our fair share of colds, allergies, and sore throats. As a mom of 3, it is a guarantee that I will have a child needing an immune support boost at some point.

This led me to my searching of Beekeeper’s Naturals Kid’s Throat Soothing Lollipops and Kid’s Propolis Throat Spray. I love that you can find these at Walmart. If you aren’t familiar with Propolis (I wasn’t either initially), it has some AMAZING benefits. It is considered the bodyguard of the beehive. Bees use it to line the walls of their hives to keep all the germs out. What does that mean for us? It is used to support our immune system (it contains Vitamins B, C & D), zinc, and antioxidants), soothe scratchy throats, and combat free radical damage in the body. The Propolis Immune Support Spray helps give your child the immune support they need with 4 sprays 2x/day. We started to use this around wintertime when we were really needing some extra support. Give them a try and use EATTALKGROW for 20% off. Full disclosure, my kids were a little hesitant to this at first, here’s what made it easier for me to spray in their mouth:

  • Demonstrate!! Show how you use the Throat Spray on your mouth

  • Let them taste test first. Spray a little on a spoon so they can taste it.

  • Make it a fun game. Of course we have to make everything fun. You can do something super silly like pretend it’s a water hose that lands in their mouth or say “let’s water spray your mouth” and let them watch you in the mirror.

  • Have them help. Let them put their hand on your hand while you spray.

After they tasted it a couple times my oldest realized she loved it and I have to remind her we have met our max for the day lol.

Next, product I love are these Kid’s Throat Soothing Lollipops. I initially was drawn to the lollipops because of their lower sugar.. 2 grams!! However, they also contain Propolis, which can support the immune system. Such a win. My kids think they are just having green apple candy but they also are having a dose of vitamin D and zinc. I recommend leaving a few in your diaper bag or purse when you need to pass out a little treat in a pinch. My friends are always amazed at the things I pull out of my purse and I love having these on hand. These are recommended for ages 4 and older.

Give them a try and let me know what you think. I trust this brand and would never recommend products that I wouldn’t use on my own family. Beekeepers Naturals are giving followers 20% off to use on their website. Purchase here with code EATTALKGROW or at your local Walmart too!

While all thoughts and opinions are my own, Beekeeper’s Naturals sponsored today’s post. There are links present in this email, I receive a small commission from products purchased at no additional cost to you.


French Toast
