Bottle Weaning 101

Ready to cut back on bottles? This is the blog for you. I could write a whole book on bottle weaning but let’s learn some fast tips.

There are SO many ways to wean your baby from the bottle. Each child is unique in the way this works best. Here are two methods when your child is ready after 12 months. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends weaning at 12 months and at least by 18 months. I recommend weaning between 12-15 months.


COLD TURKEY- Just how it sounds. Package up the bottles and completely move to cups. Say “bye” to bottles and 100% of milk is through cups (or nursing). This is usually best closer to one vs older toddlers OR for little ones not all that attached to their bottle. If you primarily nurse I recommend this option. Of course, we are assuming baby is a great solid eater and eating 3 meals a day of balanced foods. This is the method I used for all three of my littles.


GRADUAL WEAN- This is gradually weaning from the bottle over a period of time. This usually works better for older toddlers. Daytime bottles are typically the easiest to remove first as you can replace with a snack. Nighttime and AM bottles are the next. Quick tips:

-start with a daytime bottle and switch to a snack

-slowly reduce ounces during the day if you prefer to slowly wean the amount of ounces before taking a bottle away

-offer cheese, yogurts etc if you feel your child isn’t drinking enough milk (vitamin D and calcium rich foods)

-use a new cup for milk and make it exciting for fun. If you have a older child let them pick!

-start a NEW bedtime routine or AM routine. Don’t sit in the same rocking chair right away when you used to give a bottle. Read a book on the floor, dance to music, wind down in a new spot for a couple weeks.

-remember, this is challenging but you can do it- have realistic expectations


You can do it!! I recommend keeping milk to 16-22 ounces max per day. Want some favorite cup recommendations? Check these out. Later learn WHY it’s important to wean from the bottle. Need individualized help weaning? Email info@eattalkgrow and let’s chat!!


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