language learning starts with play

The best way to help increase language is to PLAY, children learn through play. You must have joint attention while playing. This means you both are focused on the same object or game. You can use parallel play to help gain attention, which is when both of you are playing separate games until your child looks over and joins in!

Do you feel like you just don’t know how to play with your little one? I get it, it can feel a little unnatural at times. Here are some toys and ideas to get you started. Want a list of my favorite toys to help facilitate language? Find them here!



Great for actions and building 2 words

“Kick, throw, roll”

Sit back and forth and get joint attention by rolling the ball


Dolls/ Little people

One of my favorite activities!

Endless language opportunities and really great easy syllable structures for kids to practice with (b, p, m, d, t)

Feed the baby—now you are playing with pretend food (functional)!

Rock the baby

Sing to the baby


Stacking toys/blocks

Up down crash boom



Pop help open more




Hiding puzzle pieces

Signing or verbal

Putting toys into canister

The noise is fun


My turn your turn



Great for targeting animal names and sounds. Exclamatory sounds are ideal targets for a one year old (baaa, moo, weeee, oink oink)

Dolls, kitchen, ice cream, doctor sets

I love these to work on pretend play because language is symbolic and these go hand in hand. Target body parts, verbs, and simple 2 and 3 word functional phrases (eat banana, stir in the cup, boo-boo, open mouth..). The Melissa and Doug ice cream set is amazing quality and not overstimulating.


Stacking Toys and Sorting Bowls

These are great for fine motor, prepositions (in, on, off..), and sorting by category as baby gets older.


Buses cars and trucks

Great for teaching verbs and environmental sounds which are so attention grabbing for teaching imitation! Beeeep beeep..BOOM!


Push Toys

Great for teaching verbs because you’re DOING the action. Put toys in and label or take them out and practice prepositions.


Little people

If you’ve been following me for a while you know my love for little people is very strong. I love that they can get wet, durable, great for little hands, great for pretend play, and fit so well in all the little people houses and toys. Must have!!



Of course we love to use books for language and bonding. Textures and flaps help increase our attention and add an element of anticipation or surprise.

Want to see some of these toys in action? Check out this reel on play ideas!





open cup drinking