High chair refusals

Let me guess, your child is all of a sudden refusing the high chair or they want to climb out after 2 minutes? This is so common, especially after 12 months. They are so many reasons why kids can refuse high chairs or want to climb out all of a sudden. I recommend keeping the high chair as long as you can!

Why are they refusing it?

-One reason is they are so mobile and they want to practice their new mobility skills.

-They crave independence. They aren’t completely able to articulate this well, but they want to do things themselves.

-Also their growth can slow down a little after 12 months and that means meals just aren’t always as exciting and they’re not as hunger driven.

Here’s how to help:

-Consistency. Set the standard and keep meals at the table sitting down and hold the boundary. Listen when they signal “all done” and try and end the meal on a positive note.

-Sit with them. If you are up and moving around- they want to do that too.

-Scoot up to the table or make sure they are close to where everyone else is eating.

-Positioning. Are they comfortable? Make sure they have a footrest and the tray or straps aren’t digging into them

-Foods! Make sure you are still serving a variety of foods that are developmentally appropriate. That same puree just isn’t as exciting after a while. They might have also noticed their sister has a really exciting plate of foods and they have different items. Try to eat as a family when appropriate.


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