Summer packed dinners

Ever since warmer weather arrived my family has spent so much more time enjoying meals outdoors. We have loved going to the pool from 4-6 or going to more park picnics than usual. This has made me rethink the ways I prepare dinner for my two toddlers (age 3.5 and 22months). Normally, dinners are done at home where we all eat the same meal around 5:30. A packed dinner by the pool or park has made me think outside of the box. Here are some ideas I have thought of that I thought may be helpful to share with other families wanting to do the same. Qualifications- easy, nutritionally dense due to extra calories burned outside, and fewer utensils the better (ex: packing cottage cheese but forgetting a spoon).



-Sandwich night (PBJ, turkey, ham, chicken salad, egg salad)

-Pasta salad with plant protein noodles

- Scoop of chicken salad over naan bread

-Cheese quesadilla

-Whole wheat wrap with deli meat, chicken, or PBJ

-Hard boiled eggs

-Chicken sausage

-Hummus tomato sandwich

-Cream cheese bagel

-Edamame and rice

- Protein pancakes

-Pesto Noodles

-Cold pizza



-Dates with nut or seed butter

-Cheese and crackers


-Peanut butter and apples

-Veggies and hummus or ranch

-Egg salad

-Fruit and cheese

-Beef stick like Chomplings

-Whole wheat crackers and pepperoni

- Yogurt tube

-Applesauce pouch

-Protein balls (nut or seed butter+ oats + honey)

-Hummus and pita



This is a great reminder to try foods at all different temperatures at home especially if your kid doesn’t go to daycare/preschool. If they are always used to a hot meal, start serving foods throughout the day more at room temperature to prepare for packed preschool or school meals. Sometimes kids even find it fun to have food unconventionally cold such as “cold pizza night”.


Am I missing any favorites? Have a fun rest of June with less stress in the kitchen! Wanting ideas for cooking at home? Check out my meal guide designed with a Registered Dietician, Callan Wall of Tula Wellness under Printables tab.



With love,


Morgan Berliner, MS CCC-SLP


How to Create Balanced Snacks for Your Little One by Kerry jones MPH, RDN, LDN